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Posted: October 2nd 2024


When wildlife takes us by surprise, we drivers always have the last clear chance to avoid a crash. A moose or deer strike doesn't just happen. And it's never an inevitable accident.

Don't blame the animal. Blame the driver.

Why is the driver to blame?

  1. Speed: Everyone must drive in control and be prepared to stop in safety. Speed limits are posted for a reason. In rural areas, limits are there to protect drivers, their passengers and our wildlife. When we speed, we lose our ability to brake in safety and in control;

  1. Just Drive: Distracted driving kills. When our eyes are on our phone, they aren't on the road. When a deer leaps out in front of our car, we need every second available to stop in safety. And when we fail to see deer crossing signs we miss critical warnings that save lives; and

  1. Seatbelts: A violent collision with a large animal, or a high speed attempt to swerve that rolls that vehicle into the ditch or trees, will launch an unbelted driver and passengers through windshields. Unsecured pets will hurl through the vehicle and strike their humans. No one and no pet fares well. It is the driver's responsibility to insist that every passenger in his car buckles up and every child is appropriately strapped in a car seat. Every pet must be properly secured. It is the driver's responsibility to ensure that every passenger arrives alive.

Our autumn roads are dangerous. Deer and moose are on the move. They will cross roads and highways. If you've never watched a moose stride across a road, you're in for a shock. Moose are huge animals. They move faster than you think. Our country roads look sleepy. They look empty. They aren't. Don't be caught unprepared.

Animal strikes are not just accidents. The buck always stops with us drivers. If you were a passenger in a car that hit a deer or moose and you've been seriously injured, don't just write it off to bad luck.

Call your experienced local community injury lawyer and be in the know. This local lawyer was born and raised in rural Ontario and knows the danger is real.

Martin Law always provides a Free Consultation. Find out where you stand.

Moose Strike

Deer Strike