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Posted: September 5th 2022


It's back to school time and it won't be long before we see that big yellow bus on our streets. School bus safety is always critical for our kids. But before we meet that bus, it's time for us adult drivers to school ourselves on bus safety.

Let's remember 6 Top Safety Tips:

1. Stop

Just stop. If we remember one thing, it's just stop. When those lights are flashing and the stop-arm is extending, stop for safety's sake. Cars traveling in both directions must stop for a school bus when it's lights are flashing. Failing to stop could kill a child. Failing to stop also brings big fines and demerit points.

2. Slow Down

We know the posted speed limits in our neighbourhoods. If in doubt, slow it down. School zones and streets near playgrounds have reduced speeds that need to obeyed and are enforced.

3. Be Patient

Back to school always means more traffic with school buses and parents carpooling the neighbours' kids. Before that bus rolls, remember to budget at least an extra 15 minutes for that morning commute.You'll need it to get through the extra traffic in safety.

4. Step Up

As the adult driver of your car, you have the last best chance to avoid a tragedy. Be prepared to stop for a child. Anticipate the worst when you see kids walking or biking. We are the adults. We know how to drive smart and drive defensively.

5. Just Drive

Driving is our only job behind that wheel. Our cars are not offices. Our cars are not party central. We can't and shouldn't do everything. We can only drive to save lives; and

6. Remember When

You were a kid. How excited you were to see your friends again after a long, hot and boring summer on your own. Children are always excited to play with their friends and are always distracted. We have the experience and maturity to protect children when they forget to take care.

We know communities raise children.

Join our community to keep our kids safe.

Be aware. Be watchful.

Be prepared for back to school.

Back to Basics School Bus Safety

6 School Bus Safety Tips