Posted: October 23rd 2019

Halloween is almost here. Children big and small dress up for the big event. Halloween has clearly transformed into an adults also night of fun and parties. Now that it's not just for kids, it is critical that adult drivers remember to share the streets with small and vulnerable trick or treaters.
If you take to the roads this Halloween enroute to your party, remember this top 7 list for your safe Halloween:
- Take it Slow. Plan ahead and leave early to cope with extra traffic. Don't try to make up for lost time by speeding. On this night of all nights, children are everywhere on our neighbourhood streets. Slow down for safety's sake;
- Be the Adult. Know that children are excited and distracted as they run from door to door in our neighbourhoods. Be prepared for a child to cross in front of you. As the adult driver, you may have the last real opportunity to avoid a tragedy;
- Back Off the 'Burbs. Don't drive in our busy, clogged suburbs during peak Halloween hours of 6pm-9pm. Suburbs are magnets for truck loads of rural children driven in for easy door to door trick or treating. If you don't have to be there, don't drive there;
- Just Drive. Put down the phone. Hands and eyes off the in-car infotainment. Make driving your only priority. Don't drive distracted;
- Don't Drink & Drive. Be the designated driver. Take a taxi. Rideshare with a dependable and sober driver;
- Share the Halloween Road. Know that children are out and about. Overwhelmed parents are driving carloads of children from street to street. Some are simply out walking in the dark with dog in tow to take in Halloween decorations and lawn displays. Go slow and drive safely; and
- Be Your Best Driver. Be the driver you would have wanted to meet on the roads when you were a kid. Be the driver you'd want your own children to meet.
Halloween safety starts days before Halloween Night.
Please be thoughtful, think ahead and pay attention this Halloween.
Make this Halloween a safe Halloween for everyone on our streets.
Our Top 7 Halloween Safe Driving List
Halloween Highlights