The busy holiday season is right around the corner. But be aware. While you search from store to store for those perfect gifts, know this is the worst season for serious store injuries.
When aisles are crowded with extra stock on palettes and shelves overflow with goods, injuries happen. Add in wet, slippery winter floors, and unaware shoppers fall victim to trips, slips and falls.
It doesn't matter if it's a big box warehouse store or your local Mom and Pop store, any business that invites you onto its property must keep that property reasonably safe. You always have a reasonable expectation of safety when invited into a store to spend your money.
When that injury happens, that business, that property owner and any maintenance company may be liable for your injury and that injury’s impact on your life.
What are the usual offenders?
- melted snow, slush and water on the floor;
- dog-eared floor mats;
- rippled or curled runner mats;
- merch falling from height onto unsuspecting shoppers; and
- trips and falls over wooden shopping pallets in those narrow aisles.
Who's at fault?
- store owner or franchise operator;
- true property or commercial real estate owner that actually owns the building and land; and
- a third party maintenance company.
All three companies and more may be liable for your injury and loss.
Your family may also have claims as a result of your injuries under Ontario's Family Law Act. There are limitation periods or time limits to be aware of when considering a lawsuit. Don’t risk losing your right to obtain compensation for your fall injuries.
Severe store slip and fall injuries happen every holiday season. Get medical help first and then call Martin Law to get your legal help.
If you are hurt when shopping this holiday season, know where you stand.
Call Martin Law and get the legal information you need.
Serious Store Injury