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Posted: July 4th 2024


When we think summer roads, we think sunshine. We forget summer weather also means rain storms. And we forget driving in those summer storms demands patience, experience and skill. Anyone who has ever experienced the terror of hydroplaning, knows just how fast our summer roads can turn deadly.

Hydroplaning, or aquaplaning, happens when a layer of water builds between those wheels and the road. Traction is lost. And control over that vehicle slips away. It can last for a few seconds. It can last much longer. It leaves that driver and everyone he meets vulnerable to a catastrophic car crash.

4 points make that summer rain danger clear:

  1. Speed: Summer roads are fast roads. Speed is a chronic contributor to deadly summer crashes. As our speed increases, traction on wet pavement is reduced. Hydroplaning is more likely at speeds over 55 km. Slowing down when rain starts is one of the best ways to reduce the chance of hydroplaning. Drive for the conditions;

  1. Worn Tires: Are bad news. Tire tread depth matters. Worn tires are less able to resist hydroplaning. Safe drivers check their tread depth on a regular basis. Swapping out for winter tires every year gives both driver and mechanic an opportunity to eyeball those aging tires and decide when it's time for a replacement;

  1. Stormy Weather: may lead to heavy bursts of rain. The more rain, the deeper the water on that road. The deeper the water, the faster we lose traction. Get your updated weather forecast before you get behind the wheel. Know what you're driving into; and

  1. All-Wheel Drive: gives some drivers a false sense of security. AWD vehicles are more likely to hydroplane than two-wheel drive vehicles. Computerized differentials may shift power from the front to the rear tires, contributing to hydroplaning. Know your vehicle. Know how it works. Don't be complacent and assume your vehicle is safe in all conditions.

Our summer roads are deadly roads.

Summer rain storms don't care if you're late for work or in a rush to escape for the weekend.

There is no summer holiday from safe driving.

If you've been seriously injured in a crash this summer, and suspect the at fault driver didn't drive for the conditions, call Martin Law for your Free Consultation.

Martin Law knows summer car crashes are never just accidents.

Summer Surfin'

Where the Rubber Meets the Road