RVs have never been so popular. With inflationary travel prices hitting everything from airbnbs to airfares, families have taken to our busy highways to get their summer road trip fix. High gas taxes be damned. Savvy families have crunched the numbers and are hitting the road for that last taste of gorgeous summer weather. And with housing prices and mortgages skyrocketing and remote work a thing, some enterprising Canadians are even leaving sticks and bricks suburban life behind for full time life on the road. RVs have truly become motorhomes. From minivan conversions to fifth wheels, everyone and their dog is out on the highway living their best life. RV life looks sweet. But life on the road carries huge risks for RV'rs and everyone else on our busy roads.
The newly converted and everyone they meet on the road are vulnerable.
What Do Newbies Need to Know?
1. Heavy Load. Whether you're driving a Class A, fifth wheel, camper van or conversion van, that RV is not your Grandpa's Oldsmobile. It weighs a lot. Stopping in safety takes a lot more time. When you push through a red light and t-bone a small passenger car or motorcyclist, know your big heavy ride will demolish that smaller vehicle and innocent driver. And if you've saved money and cut a few corners by kitting out your minivan conversion by watching youtubers, you may not appreciate that galley kitchen, gray tank and bed will add more weight than your van was ever designed to safely carry;
2. Slow and Steady. Take it easy. RV and trailer tires aren't rated for high speed. Your new wheels are only rated for slower speed. Your trailer should never be ripping down the fast lane of the 401 leaving truckers in the dust. Leave enough stopping space between you and the car in front of you. Don't ride the bumper of that little VW. You'll never stop your big RV in time when traffic slows and stops suddenly. Drive safe and stay in control;
3.All About The Tires. Your life is literally riding on your tires. Monitor and maintain those wheels. Tire pressure over and under is dangerous. A tire blow out will happen. Know it will be much more difficult and frightening to wrestle that large vehicle to the side of the road. Pack a full safety kit including a reflective high vis vest, markers and reflectors. Know when it is not safe to leave your vehicle and change that tire on your own. Consider membership in an established and well regarded RV club that includes roadside service, tire change and towing. While we hope for the best, experienced RV'rs know to expect the worst;
4.Tow Trouble. Your truck must be properly rated to pull the trailer you are towing. Ensure your truck is large enough to safely haul that trailer. Tiny smart cars and compacts should never haul big trailers. Your tow vehicle has to be powerful enough to stop the momentum of that rig. Your tow vehicle must also be maintained and serviced in safety;
5. Drowsy Driving. Long hours on the road can result in deadly crashes. Stop at rest stops and do another circle check. Take a break. Remember why you bought that RV in the first place. This is the slow life. Not a race. Falling asleep behind that wheel will end your vacation in tragedy; and
6. Distracted Driving. With everyone and everything including granny, the dog and cat stuffed into the backseat, RV drivers can't afford to take their eyes off the road to settle passengers human or animal. A lifetime of bad driving habits in your car will kill you in that RV. Your smart phone, GPS, walkie talkies and all the other must have gadgets compete to draw your eyes and mind off the road. Let your co-pilot do his job and deal. As driver, you have one job. Drive safe.
Have You Been Injured By an RV'r?
Whether you're a passenger or another driver, when you've been seriously injured in a car crash and suspect that RV driver was a rookie and inexperienced behind the wheel, let the investigating officer and the collision reporting centre know. Get the medical care you need for your injuries. Then call your experienced local injury lawyer.
RVs are on our roads to stay. Summer road trippers have been overtaken by full-time digital nomads. Many of these new RV'rs are inexperienced. Don't let their hard lessons behind the wheel run you over this summer or ever.
Call Martin Law for your Free Consultation.
Find out where you stand.
From Trippers To Nomads
Life Is Scary Out Here