We lose more than an hour of sleep when we force our clocks and phones ahead an hour this weekend.
We lose precious road safety.
What's the Problem?
Drowsy Driving. Everyone needs enough sleep to drive safely. Driving requires all of our skill and attention
Distracted Driving happens when we forget driving is our only job behind the wheel. It's easy to forget when we're tired. Foggy minds struggle to override our instinct to take that call and read that text.
Health Emergencies happen. Studies show some of us are much more likely to suffer a stroke or heart attack in the days after a time change. Any serious health emergency is scary. Suffering a major crisis when driving down the road or highway is horrifying for driver and for everyone else who shares that road.
How to Cope?
Drivers can make small changes this week to make it easier for our bodies to cope. Bed time, waking, exercise and meals can be tweaked to allow our bodies to gradually ease into change. We can give sleep the attention it deserves and hide that phone and ipad at bed time.
While every little change counts, our efforts can't stamp out the risk completely.
When you've been hurt in a car crash, and you think the at fault driver was driving drowsy, let the investigating police officer know. Make sure this information is on your report at the Accident Reporting Centre if no officer attends at the scene.
Then call your experienced community injury lawyer.
Martin Law knows that your car crash is never just an accident.
Ready to Spring Forward?
Time Change Trouble