Every driver loses weeks of safe driving when our phones and clocks drop an hour this weekend.
Drowsy driving can happen any time of year but spikes the weeks after our clocks fall back.
Disrupted sleep means many drivers fight to stay awake on our busy roads and highways.
Even well-rested drivers risk a catastrophic car crash when we share the road with drowsy drivers.
A strong movement is growing in both Canada and the United States to drop time change for good. In the States, the Sunshine Protection Act may stop the clock. Daylight Saving Time would be permanent. The clocks wouldn't change twice a year. Some Canadian provinces have similar legislation pending and may follow suit once more jurisdictions in North America make the change.
This fall may be our last time to change.
Until that happens, drivers will continue to struggle with this dangerous 'social jet lag'.
What's Bad About Falling Back?
Falling Asleep behind the wheel happens when routine sleep cycles are disrupted. All drivers, regardless of experience and skill, must get the sleep they need to stay alert.
Multi-Tasking kills. When sleepy drivers automatically answer that phone or text, eyes and minds are pulled from the road. Distracted driving happens when our drowsy minds automatically respond to that phone. Drivers have one job. We forget to just drive when we don't get our sleep.
Health Emergencies increase. Heart attacks and stroke happen more frequently after the time change. Underlying health conditions are tripped when sleep patterns are disrupted. No driver needs a deadly health crisis behind the wheel. No innocent driver or pedestrian should be in the path of an incapacitated driver.
What To Do?
Savvy drivers try to limit non essential driving the week after the time change.
But many of us must drive for work, family and medical appointments. While experienced drivers always drive defensively and watch for problems, it may not be enough to keep us safe.
If you have been hurt in a car crash, and suspect the at fault driver was driving drowsy or distracted, let the investigating police officer know. If there was no officer at the scene, then make sure this information is on your report at the Accident Reporting Centre.
Then call your experienced injury lawyer.
Martin Law knows a car crash is never just an accident.
When it's time to get the info you need, Martin Law answers your call.
Clocks Back
Drowsy Driving